LSM Newswire

Thursday, November 5, 2009

V-Drums de Roland

Un batteur de la Colombie-Britannique remporte les honneurs lors du premier concours national de solo de percussion V-Drums de Roland

MONTRAL, le 29 oct. /CNW/ - En fin de semaine dernire, les baguettes ont fait rsonner les batteries sur la scne du Drum Fest de Montral lorsque les deux finalistes rgionaux du concours V-Drums de Roland, Gary Grace et Franois Lalibert, se sont affronts pour dterminer qui serait couronn Grand champion national du concours V-Drums de Roland. Aprs une intense comptition de solo de batterie, l'estim jury, compos notamment de l'exceptionnel batteur montralais de metal extrme Flo Mounier, a proclam gagnant Gary Grace de Port Coquitlam, en Colombie-Britannique. Gary est donc retourn chez lui avec le titre de Grand champion du concours national V-Drums de Roland et un ensemble de batterie V-Drums haut de gamme TD-20KX de la srie V-Pro de Roland.

Les deux concurrents ont occup la scne avec une telle nergie et un tel enthousiasme qu'ils ont littralement envout le public de l'auditorium! En effet, plus de 500 personnes ont admir tout d'abord la prestation de Gary, puis celle de Franois, qui ont dmontr toutes leurs connaissances des V-Drums ainsi que leur incroyable technique et leur polyvalence unique.
Interrog sur sa victoire, Gary a dclar : "J'ai t trs impressionn d'entendre mon nom lors de la proclamation du vainqueur. Je me suis senti la fois soulag et excit. Je me suis tourn vers Franois et je lui ai dit quel point je le trouvais talentueux et que je lui prdisais un avenir rempli de grandes ralisations. Je suis emball l'ide de tout ce que cette victoire signifie pour moi, car elle va m'aider dans ma carrire, et vu que je possde maintenant un ensemble TD-20KX, je pourrai vraiment explorer fond les possibilits de cette batterie. Quelle exprience remarquable j'ai vcue!"

Gary Grace est n dans une famille de joueurs de batterie et il a suivi les traces de son pre et de son frre an. Lorsqu'il tait jeune, Gary s'intressait divers genres et styles de musique. Gary a tudi la Crane School of Music New York ainsi que sous la supervision de spcialistes de la batterie comme Joe Morello et Jim Chapin. Il a partag la scne avec de nombreux musiciens canadiens reconnus et il se produit prsentement avec le groupe rock classique canadien "Prism". Lorsqu'il n'est pas en spectacle, Gary transmet son talent et ses connaissances ses tudiants.

Franois a utilis sa premire paire de baguettes l'ge de huit ans et il a toujours continu sur cette voie. Ayant tudi avec de nombreux percussionnistes de renomme internationale, il poursuit actuellement ses tudes au Cgep Saint-Laurent Montral. Parce qu'il occupe la deuxime place dans le cadre du concours V-Drums de Roland et qu'il a offert une prestation spectaculaire au Drum Fest de Montral, Franois Lalibert a reu comme prix un ensemble de batterie V-Drums TD-9KX de la srie V-Tour de Roland.

Ces derniers mois, Roland Canada a prsent le concours V-Drums Roland, comptition nationale en solo qui donnait la chance aux batteurs de partout au pays de remporter un ensemble autographi de batterie haut de gamme V-Drums TD-20KX de la srie V-Pro de Roland et la possibilit de participer au prestigieux Drum Fest de Montral. La finale nationale a eu lieu le 24 octobre 2009 sur la scne du Drum Fest de Montral. Surveillez les dtails du 2e concours V-Drums de Roland dont le lancement est prvu pour le printemps 2010!

propos de Roland Canada Ltd.

Roland est un chef de file mondial sur les plans de la conception, de la fabrication et de la distribution d'instruments de musique numriques, d'quipement audio professionnel, de produits multimdias et d'accessoires de musique. Les produits Roland constituent une famille compose des marques Roland, BOSS, EDIROL par Roland, Rodgers, RSS par Roland et Cakewalk par Roland. La gamme impressionnante de produits Roland, loin de s'y limiter, inclut notamment des pdales d'effet pour guitare, des percussions lectroniques, des pianos numriques rputs, des synthtiseurs, des consoles de mixage numrique et des logiciels de production musicale.


BC Drummer Earns Top Honors at First Roland V-Drums National Drum Solo Competition

MONTREAL, Oct. 29 /CNW/ - Last weekend, sticks flew on the Montreal Drum Fest stage as the two regional finalists of the Roland V-Drums Contest, Gary Grace and Francois Lalibert, went head-to-head to see who would be crowned the Roland V-Drums Contest National Grand Champion. After an intense drum-off, the esteemed panel of judges, including Montreal's own extreme metal drummer Flo Mounier, declared Gary Grace from Port Coquitlam, BC the winner. Gary took home the title of Roland V-Drums Contest National Grand Champion and a top-of-the-line, Roland TD-20KX V-Pro Series V-Drums Kit.

Both contestants took to the stage with an energy level and enthusiasm that filled the auditorium with excitement. The audience of over 500 people watched as first Gary then Francois showcased their drum solo chops, which highlighted their knowledge of the V-Drums as well as their incredible technique and versatility.

When asked about his win, Gary said, "It was a great feeling to hear (my name announced as the winner). There was a sigh of relief and excitement all at once. I turned to Francois and told him how talented I thought he was and that his future will be full of great things. I'm very excited about what this can do to help me in my career and now as the owner of a TD-20KX kit, I can really explore these drums. This has been a tremendous experience!"

Gary Grace was born into a family of drummers, following in the footsteps of both his father and older brother. Growing up, Gary was interested in many different genres and musical styles. Gary went on to study at the Crane School of Music in New York and has studied under many other drumming greats including Joe Morello and Jim Chapin. He has shared the stage with many great Canadian musicians and currently performs with the Canadian classic rock band "Prism." When not performing, Gary passes on his talent and knowledge to his students.
Francois picked up his first pair of sticks at the age of eight, and hasn't looked back. He has studied with many internationally know percussionists, and is currently studying at Cegep St-Laurent in Montreal. As the runner-up in the Roland V-Drums Contest and for putting on a spectacular performance at the Montreal Drum Festival, Francois Lalibert was awarded a Roland TD-9KX V-Tour Series V-Drums kit.

Over the past few months, Roland Canada has been hosting the Roland V-Drums Contest, a national drum solo competition that gave drummers from across Canada the chance to compete for an autographed, top-of-the-line, Roland TD-20KX V-Pro Series V-Drums kit and the opportunity to perform on the prestigious Montreal Drum Fest stage. The contest finals were held on October 24, 2009 at the Montreal Drum Festival. Stay tuned for the 2nd Roland V-Drums Contest launching in Spring 2010!

About Roland Canada Ltd.

Roland is a world leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of electronic musical instruments, professional audio equipment, multimedia products and music accessories. The Roland brand family includes Roland, BOSS, EDIROL by Roland, Rodgers, RSS by Roland, and Cakewalk by Roland. Roland's impressive line of products includes, but is far from limited to, guitar effects pedals, electronic percussion, acclaimed digital pianos, synthesizers, digital mixers and music production software.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Roland Announces Regional Finalists in V-Drums Contest

CNW Group Portfolio E-Mail


The Best from the East and West Will Battle it out at Montreal Drum Festival

RICHMOND, BC, Oct. 14 /CNW/ - The 1st Roland V-Drums Contest has come to a close, and the two regional finalists will battle it out for the title of Canada's V-Drums Contest National Grand Champion on the Montreal Drum Fest stage. Representing the East is Francois Lalibert from Montreal, QC, who will face off with Western Regional Finalist Gary Grace from Port Coquitlam, BC.

After trying both the guitar and piano, at the age of eight Francois picked up his first pair of drumsticks. Since then, he has studied with many internationally known percussionists including Aldo Mazza and Dom Famularo, and is currently studying under Mario Roy at Cegep St-Laurent in Montreal. Francois has been recognized in both regional and international competitions; in 2008 he received honourable mention at the Modern Drummer's Undiscovered Drummer Contest. Francois dreams of using his music as a tool for peace, and of bringing his music all over the world.

Gary Grace was born into a family of drummers, following in the footsteps of both his father and older brother. Growing up, Gary was interested in many different genres and musical styles. Gary went on to study at the Crane School of Music in New York and has studied under many other drumming greats including Joe Morello and Jim Chapin. He has shared the stage with many great Canadian musicians and currently performs with the Canadian classic rock band "Prism." When not performing, Gary passes on his talent and knowledge to his students.
For the past few months, Roland Canada has been hosting the Roland V-Drums Contest, a national drum solo competition that gives drummers from across Canada the chance to compete for an autographed, top-of-the-line, Roland V-Drums TD-20KX V-Pro Series kit and the opportunity to perform at the prestigious Montreal Drum Fest this fall. The finals will be held on October 24, 2009 at 11:00am on the Montreal Drum Fest stage.

About Roland Canada Ltd.
Roland is a world leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of electronic musical instruments, professional audio equipment, multimedia products and music accessories. The Roland brand family includes Roland, BOSS, EDIROL by Roland, Rodgers, RSS by Roland, and Cakewalk by Roland. Roland's impressive line of products includes, but is far from limited to, guitar effects pedals, electronic percussion, acclaimed digital pianos, synthesizers, digital mixers and music production software.
