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La Scena Musicale - Vol. 14, No. 10 July 2009


Par/by Hélène Boucher & Crystal Chan / July 8, 2009

Apéro à l’Opéra : stage de formation de l’Opéra de Montréal

Le 30e anniversaire de l’Opéra de Montréal se profile et en prélude aux célébrations, un atelier lyrique complet destiné aux chanteurs en herbe est organisé. Depuis le 19 juin, et jusqu’au 12 juillet prochain, les chanteurs non professionnels sont invités à s’inscrire pour bénéficier d’un stage de perfectionnement intensif de six semaines. Un programme varié débutant à l’automne 2009, une combinaison de cours de chant, jeu scénique, mise en scène, diction et langue. La formation est calquée sur celle que suivent les chanteurs de l’Atelier lyrique. L’Opéra de Montréal poursuit ainsi une démarche de démocratisation du chant lyrique. Les six chanteurs pourront développer considérablement leur talent en côtoyant des maîtres de l’art vocal reconnus au Canada. Au terme de cet atelier, les deux chanteurs s’étant le plus démarqués accéderont à la scène de la Place des Arts pour participer à deux prestations majeures : le Gala en décembre et une place au sein de la production de Tosca en janvier 2010. www.operademontreal.com HB

Le Centre d’arts d’Orford se modernise en grand

C’est le 25 juin dernier que fut dévoilé un projet majeur de modernisation du Centre d’arts d’Orford. Mme Christine St-Pierre, ministre de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine, a annoncé qu’un montant de 6,85 M $ serait versé dans le cadre de ces travaux d’envergure. M. Pierre Reid, député d’Orford, a évoqué lors de la conférence de presse « le potentiel d’attraction exceptionnel du Centre d’arts d’Orford pour la région et le renouveau bien mérité pour ce haut lieu des amoureux de la musique au Québec ». Le directeur général du Centre d’arts d’Orford, M. Davis Joachim, a quant à lui rappelé le bienfait d’un tel soutien financier du gouvernement québécois dans le maintien constant de la mission du lieu voué aux plus grands maîtres du monde en musique classique et aux jeunes musiciens, aux « artistes d’ici et d’ailleurs et aux stagiaires provenant de 35 pays ». Le Centre d’arts d’Orford s’inscrit parmi les grands lieux patrimoniaux du Québec. Fondé en 1951 par Gilles Lefebvre, il est situé dans l’enceinte du parc national du Mont Orford. HB

Virginia Parker Prize Goes to Saxophonist

The Canada Council for the Arts awarded Toronto-based saxophonist Wallace Halladay the annual $25,000 Virginia Parker Prize on June 17. Halladay follows in the footsteps of past winners such as Yannick Nézet-Séguin and Alain Trudel. The prize was established in 1982 to award talented artists and conductors under the age of 32, in hopes of furthering the careers of young Canadian classical musicians.

Although usually hailed as a champion of new music, Halladay is a musical Renaissance man and outstanding whether playing classical repertoire, contemporary music, or much in between. A doctoral graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Halladay is currently a soloist with the Vancouver Symphony and the Esprit Orchestra but has also performed with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony and new music groups across North America. Today, he teaches at the University of Toronto. CC

New Edition of Canadian Artists’ Guide

The Cultural Human Resources Council’s Canadian Artist and Self-Employed Cultural Workers’ employment guide, The Art of Managing Your Career, has just been re-released. The new second edition features updated examples, websites, financial and technology sections, as well as province-specific examples.

The guide is created by artists for artists and first hit stands in 2002. Since then it has become an invaluable resource for craft, dance and choreography, film and television, music and sound recording, new media, theatre, visual arts, and writing and publishing professionals. The Art of Managing Your Career includes sections on the culture industry, self promotion, project management, finances, and legal matters. It provides artists with access to one-stop manuals on such integral information as the art of grant finding. The free guide is also available in French: www.culturalhrc.ca CC

New Bill Changes Work Conditions for Quebec Musicians

Act S-32.1, which deals with the professional status and conditions of performing and recording artists in Quebec, will be amended by Bill 32 on July 6. The changes mean that not only performing artists will be protected under the Act, but also “other persons who contribute directly to the creation of the artistic work” such as sound engineers. The Bill also abolishes the Commission de reconnaissance des associations d’artistes et des associations de producteurs and transfers its functions to the Commission des relations du travail.

The Bill, which protects music, theatre, dance, film, multimedia, and other artists and entertainers, was formally initiated by The Guild of Musicians in Quebec and other artist guilds. The GMQ hopes the abolition of CRAAP will mean faster processing for artists’ concerns and less bureaucracy. However, the GMQ believes there’s room for improvement: they are still pushing for a modification of the Act in which producers who retain the services of artists must work with the corresponding artist guilds to directly negotiate work conditions. CC

Placement Culture announces new funds

Quebec Minister of Culture Christine St-Pierre announced last month $10 million in new funds for Placement Culture, the Quebec government endowment and reserve fund matching program for arts organizations. Also new is the ability for organizations to borrow against the reserve fund, effectively making these funds available instead a wait of two years. The new money is expected to support approximately 80 organizations. Apply early as the funds are allocated on a first come first serve basis. calq.gouv.qc.ca

14-9 Errata

In the article “Understanding Bruckner,” it was stated that Yannick Nézet-Séguin and the Orchestre Métropolitain had recorded three of Bruckner’s symphonies (4, 7 and 9) whereas they have only recorded the 7th and 9th to date, with plans to record the complete cycle. LSM apologizes to writer Paul Robinson for the editorial error.

(c) La Scena Musicale