LSM Newswire

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Legendary actor Theodore Bikel to receive tribute / Le lgendaire acteur Theodore Bikel recevra l'hommage

"If it were not for the unions and guilds, we would have nothing to protect us from our own folly
or from those who seek to abuse our love for what we do."
~ Theodore Bikel

Toronto, ON October 8, 2009 - In his autobiography, theatrical and music legend, Theodore Bikel writes, "It seems that I have conducted my life on two different emotional planes: one lighthearted, gregarious, even frivolous; the other politically and socially involved and following a serious social and moral commitment." On Wednesday, October 14th as the curtain falls on the opening night performance of Bikel's SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH THE TEARS' Canadian premiere, AFM Canada will pay special tribute to Mr. Bikel's extraordinary 55-year commitment to the labour community.

Theodore Bikel's dedication to social justice is a testament to both the man and the professional. A member of five different AFL-CIO unions (Actors' Equity Association, American Federation of Musicians, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Screen Actors Guild and American Guild of Variety Artists) Bikel has been a vocal supporter of the rights of professional artists helping to shape not only our unions and our economy, but also our culture.

"Theodore Bikel's advocacy is second to none," explains Bill Skolnik, the AFM Vice President from Canada. "It will be a great honour to recognize and celebrate Theo Bikel's decades of social activism on behalf of many causes, particularly his untiring work representing the collective rights of artists and his over 50 years of membership in the AFM".

The special presentation, will take place on the Winter Garden Theatre stage immediately following the gala performance. Skolnik will be joined by Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company's Co-Artistic Director Avery Saltzman; and award-winning AFM member, trumpeter David Buchbinder, who will offer a very musical tribute recognizing Bikel's own virtuosic talents.

Theo's love of music, in particular folk music, has remained a constant throughout his life. From his concert debut at the Carnegie Recital Hall in 1956 to spending his off time during The Sound of Music playing at small folk music clubs to his heavy touring schedule to this day. Bikel's passion for folk music has offered a forum for the fusion of Theo the Artist and Theo the Activist. His many accolades in the folk community include co-founding the Newport Folk Festival; to this day the premier folk music festival in the United States, in 1959 and seeing his 1961 book Folksongs and Footnotes demand three reprint editions. His experiences as a folk musician in turbulent times in America's history, however, provide much insight into this compelling labor leader. A supporter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in its early years, Theo often traveled the American South performing with bass player Bill Lee, father of filmmaker Spike. At one point, Theo was arrested for taking part in demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama, and led his fellow cell mates in song to protest their treatment. For more information please visit

Deeply researched, powerfully felt and beautifully sung, SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH TEARS is the true tale of the great Yiddish storyteller's youth, fame and challenging journey to America. SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH TEARS will have its Canadian premiere at Toronto's Winter Garden Theatre, October 13 - 18, 2009 as part of the Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company's 2009/2010 season. For more information please

About AFM Canada
AFM Canada is a complementary yet independent office of the American Federation of Musicians, United States and Canada and is uniquely positioned to address Canadian issues for its Canadian membership. It is the leading professional organization of its kind available to Canadian musicians and represents over 17,000 professional musicians in Canada. In June 2009, AFM Canada began a year-long 30th Anniversary celebration. For more information please visit our website,


Si ce n'tait des syndicats et des guildes, rien ne nous protgerait de notre propre folie ou de ceux qui cherchent abuser de l'amour que nous vouons ce que nous faisons.
~Theodore Bikel

, ON le 8 octobre 2009 Dans son autobiographie, la lgende vivante du thtre et de la musique Theodore Bikel crit : Il me semble avoir men ma vie deux niveaux motionnels : le premier au cur lger, grgaire et mme frivole; le second politiquement et socialement concern, suivant un srieux engagement social et moral. Mercredi 14 octobre, la tombe du rideau de la soire d'ouverture de la premire canadienne du spectacle SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH THE TEARS de Bikel, l'AFM Canada rendra un hommage particulier l'engagement extraordinaire de 55 ans de M. Bikel envers la communaut de travailleurs.

La conscience de Theodore Bikel pour la justice sociale est rvlatrice la fois de l'homme et du professionnel. Membre de cinq syndicats FAT-COI Fdration amricaine du travail et Congrs des organisations industrielles (l'Actors' Equity Association, l'American Federation of Musicians, la Federation of Television and Radio Artists d'Amrique, la Screen Actors Guild et l'American Guild of Variety Artists), Bikel depuis toujours le dfenseur des droits des artistes professionnels a particip non seulement l'laboration de nos syndicats et de notre conomie, mais aussi de notre culture.

Dans le domaine de la dfense des droits, Theodore Bikel ne cde sa place personne , explique Bill Skolnik, le vice-prsident du Canada de la FAM. C'est pour nous un grand honneur que de reconnatre et de clbrer les dcennies consacres par Theo Bikel la protection d'intrts sociaux, et notamment son travail infatigable dans la reprsentation des droits collectifs des artistes et ses plus de cinquante annes comme membre de la FAM.

Cette prsentation spciale aura lieu sur la scne du Winter Garden Theatre immdiatement aprs la performance gala. Skolnik sera accompagn par Avery Saltzman, codirecteur artistique de la Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company; le trompettiste David Buchbinder, membre prim de la FAM, offrira en outre un hommage trs musical aux talents de virtuose de Bikel.

Son amour de la musique et particulirement de la musique folklorique, est depuis toujours une constante dans la vie : de ses dbuts au Carnegie Recital Hall en 1956 jusqu' ses tournes importantes d'aujourd'hui, en passant par les petites botes de musique folk o il se produisait entre les reprsentations de The Sound of Music. La passion manifeste par Bikel pour la musique folklorique lui a permis d'effectuer la fusion entre Theo l'Artiste et Theo l'Engag. Parmi ses nombreux bons coups dans la communaut folk, mentionnons la fondation en 1959 du Newport Folk Festival, encore de nos jours le plus prestigieux festival de musique folklorique des tats-Unis, et son livre Folksongs and Footnotes (1961) qui en est sa troisime rdition. Ses expriences en tant que musicien folklorique au cours de la rcente turbulente histoire d'Amrique ont fait de lui un dirigeant syndical clair. Un partisan du Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) pendant ses premires annes d'existence, Theo a souvent visit le sud des tats-Unis o il se produisait avec le bassiste Bill Lee, le pre du cinaste Spike Lee. Il a mme dj t mis en tat d'arrestation pour avoir particip des manifestations Birmingham en Alabama. En cellule, il incitait ses codtenus chanter en guise de protestation. Pour plus de renseignements, consulter le site

Le fruit d'une profonde recherche, d'une facture puissante et chant de faon admirable, le spectacle SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH TEARS est l'histoire vraie de la jeunesse, la clbrit et le voyage rempli de dfis vers l'Amrique de ce grand conteur yiddish. SHOLOM ALEICHEM: LAUGHTER THROUGH TEARS sera prsent en premire canadienne au Winter Garden Theatre de Toronto du 13 au 18 octobre 2009 dans le cadre de la saison 2009-2010 de la Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company. Pour plus de dtails, consulter le site suivant :

propos de l'AFM Canada
AFM Canada est le bureau complmentaire bien que tout fait distinct de l'American Federation of Musicians, United States and Canada (la Fdration amricaine des musiciens des tats-Unis et du Canada) et ce titre, occupe une place unique pour traiter des questions canadiennes de ses membres canadiens. C'est l'organisme professionnel de premier rang dans son domaine d'activit, au service des musiciens canadiens, et reprsente au-del de 17 000 musiciens professionnels au Canada. En juin 2009, l'AFM Canada a amorc les clbrations soulignant son 30e anniversaire qui dureront toute l'anne. Pour plus de renseignements, prire de consulter notre site Web au

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